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Marsha Hillman, March 28 2024

Getting your home ready for spring: WATER HEATER CHECK

Regular maintenance of your water heater is not just a recommendation; it's a necessity to ensure the longevity and efficiency of this crucial home appliance. Over time, water heaters, whether they are tankless or have a storage tank, can accumulate sediment that settles at the bottom. This sediment can significantly hinder the heater's performance, leading to higher energy bills and a shorter lifespan of the unit. The first step in water heater maintenance is a thorough inspection. Look for any signs of leaks, rust, or corrosion on the tank's exterior, around the pipes, or at the connections. Any moisture or water pooling around the base of the heater could indicate a slow leak, which can lead to significant water damage over time.

Draining and flushing the water heater is an effective way to remove the build-up of sediment. This process involves turning off the power supply to the unit (electricity or gas), connecting a hose to the drain valve, and letting the water flow out until it's clear. For those not comfortable performing this task, a professional plumber can do it quickly and efficiently. This simple procedure can greatly improve the unit's efficiency by allowing it to heat water more quickly, thereby reducing energy consumption. It also prevents overheating, which can extend the life of the heater.

Additionally, while performing maintenance, it's wise to check the anode rod, a component designed to attract corrosive elements in the water. Anode rods typically need to be replaced every few years, depending on the water quality in your area and the frequency of use of the water heater. Neglecting this part can lead to rapid deterioration of the tank. Regular maintenance, including inspection, draining, and flushing, along with anode rod checks, not only ensures that your water heater operates at peak efficiency but also safeguards against unexpected breakdowns, providing peace of mind and saving on potential costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Written by

Marsha Hillman

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