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Marsha Hillman, June 27 2023

GOING ON VACATION... Precautions to take when going away.


Planning a summer home vacation can be an exciting experience. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your time and create memorable moments:

Choose the right destination: Research and select a destination that suits your preferences and offers activities you enjoy. Consider factors such as weather, proximity to attractions, and the availability of amenities.

Plan and book in advance: Summer is a popular time for vacations, so it's advisable to plan and book your accommodation well in advance to secure the best options and prices.

Pack appropriately: Pack according to the weather and activities you have planned. Don't forget essentials like sunscreen, hats, insect repellent, and any specific equipment or gear you may need.

Create an itinerary: While it's important to have a flexible schedule, having a rough itinerary helps you make the most of your time. Identify the key attractions, activities, and events you want to experience and allocate time for relaxation as well.

Explore the local cuisine: One of the joys of vacationing is trying out local delicacies. Research popular restaurants and eateries in the area, and don't hesitate to ask locals for recommendations.

Stay hydrated: Summer temperatures can be high, so it's essential to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially if you're engaging in outdoor activities.

Stay safe in the sun: Protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays by wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. Seek shade during the hottest hours of the day and be mindful of heat-related illnesses.

Embrace outdoor activities: Take advantage of the pleasant weather by engaging in outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, water sports, or simply enjoying a picnic by the beach or in a nearby park.

Disconnect and relax: Use your summer home vacation as an opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and relax. Limit your screen time, embrace the slower pace, and spend quality time with family and friends.

Capture memories: Take photos or keep a journal to document your summer home vacation. These memories will serve as a reminder of the wonderful time you had.

Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and make the most of your summer home vacation. Relax, have fun, and create lasting memories!

What can I do to protect my home when going on vacation?

Notify trusted neighbors: Inform your trusted neighbors or friends about your vacation plans. They can keep an eye on your property, collect your mail or packages, and report any suspicious activities.

Secure all doors and windows: Before leaving, double-check that all doors, windows, and entry points are securely locked. Consider reinforcing them with deadbolts or security bars for added protection.

Install a security system: Consider installing a home security system or surveillance cameras to deter potential intruders. Display signs or stickers indicating that your home is protected, as it acts as a deterrent.

Timers for lights and electronics: Set timers for lights, radios, or TVs to give the impression that someone is home. Program them to turn on and off at different intervals throughout the day.

Suspend regular deliveries: Temporarily halt any regular deliveries, such as newspapers or mail. Accumulated deliveries signal an empty home. You can ask the post office to hold your mail or have a neighbor collect it for you.

Don't broadcast your absence on social media: Refrain from sharing your vacation plans or posting updates about being away on social media. Broadcasting your absence can make your home a target for burglars.

Arrange for lawn maintenance: If you're going on an extended vacation, arrange for someone to mow your lawn or maintain your garden. An overgrown yard can be a sign of an empty house.

Use light timers or smart home technology: Invest in smart home devices that allow you to control lights, thermostats, or other electronics remotely. You can turn on or off lights using smartphone apps, creating the illusion of an occupied home.

Don't leave spare keys outside: Avoid hiding spare keys outside your home, as experienced burglars often know common hiding spots. Instead, leave a spare key with a trusted neighbor or family member.

Notify local authorities: If you're going on an extended vacation, you can inform the local police department about your absence. Some areas offer vacation checks, where officers periodically drive by your home to ensure its security.

Remember, taking these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in or other security issues while you're away. By implementing these measures, you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind knowing that your home is protected.

Is there anything that I can do with my water or water system?

Turn off the main water supply: To prevent any potential water leaks or flooding while you're away, consider shutting off the main water supply to your home. This is especially important if you'll be gone for an extended period.

Inspect and fix any leaks: Before leaving, check for any existing leaks in your plumbing system and fix them promptly. Leaks can lead to water damage and waste valuable resources.

Drain your plumbing system: If you live in an area with freezing temperatures and will be away during the winter, it's essential to drain your plumbing system to prevent frozen and burst pipes. Consult a professional plumber if you're unsure how to do this safely.

Consider a water shut-off valve: Installing an automatic water shut-off valve can provide an extra layer of protection. These devices can detect leaks and shut off the water supply automatically, helping to minimize potential damage.

Water your plants: If you have indoor plants, consider providing them with sufficient water before leaving. You can also place some of them in trays with water to create a humid environment that helps maintain moisture.

Use water timers for irrigation: If you have an outdoor garden or plants that require regular watering, consider using water timers. These devices can be set to automatically water your plants at specific intervals, ensuring they receive adequate hydration.

Empty and clean household appliances: Empty and clean appliances that hold water, such as humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and water filters. This helps prevent the growth of mold or bacteria while you're away.

Consider water conservation: Before leaving, make sure you're mindful of water conservation. Avoid unnecessary water usage, such as long showers or running the dishwasher, to reduce water waste during your absence.

By taking these steps with your water before going on vacation, you can help prevent potential water-related issues and promote water conservation.

When it comes to your air conditioning or central air system before going on vacation, here are some tips to consider:

Adjust the temperature: Set your thermostat to a higher temperature than usual or switch to energy-saving mode. This will help save energy while you're away and prevent unnecessary cooling. However, ensure the temperature is still sufficient to prevent any humidity or heat-related issues in your home.

Use programmable thermostats: If you have a programmable thermostat, take advantage of its features to automatically adjust the temperature based on your preferred schedule. Set it to increase the temperature while you're away and lower it before you return.

Close blinds and curtains: Before leaving, close blinds and curtains to block out direct sunlight. This helps reduce heat buildup inside your home, keeping it cooler and reducing the workload on your air conditioning system.

Consider a setback or vacation mode: Some air conditioning systems have a vacation or setback mode specifically designed for extended periods of absence. Refer to your system's manual or consult an HVAC professional to see if this option is available and how to use it effectively.

Clean or change air filters: It's a good practice to clean or change your air filters regularly to maintain the efficiency and performance of your air conditioning system. Before leaving, ensure that the filters are clean to allow proper airflow.

Consider a maintenance check: If you haven't had a recent maintenance check on your air conditioning or central air system, it might be a good idea to schedule one before going on vacation. A professional technician can inspect and service your system, ensuring it operates smoothly and efficiently.

Use ceiling fans: If you have ceiling fans, consider leaving them on a low setting while you're away. This helps circulate the air, preventing stagnant air and providing a cooling effect.

Unplug unnecessary electronics: Before leaving, unplug any unnecessary electronics or appliances that generate heat. This reduces the overall heat load in your home and minimizes the strain on your air conditioning system.

By following these tips, you can optimize energy usage, maintain a comfortable indoor environment, and ensure your air conditioning or central air system operates efficiently while you're on vacation.

Written by

Marsha Hillman

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